Dude, Where’s My Neural Net? An Informal and Slightly Personal History

Dude, Where’s My Neural Net? An Informal and Slightly Personal History

Dude, Where’s My Neural Net? An Informal and Slightly Personal History

It pretty much started here: McCulloch and Pitts wrote a paper [1] describing an idealized neuron as a threshold logic...

5 Industries Taking Advantage of Text Analytics
Customer Experience Management

5 Industries Taking Advantage of Text Analytics

Text analytics, also called text mining, has countless applications. Businesses are taking advantage of text analytics...

AI in Healthcare: Data Privacy and Ethics Concerns
Artificial Intelligence

AI in Healthcare: Data Privacy and Ethics Concerns

Artificial intelligence has rendered HIPAA obsolete. As AI in healthcare becomes commonplace, data privacy, security...

6 Predictions for AI, ML and NLP for 2021

6 Predictions for AI, ML and NLP for 2021

Every year, we like to consider what happened in the last year in AI, ML and NLP, and prognosticate on what might...

The 7 Basic Functions of Text Analytics & Text Mining
Natural Language Processing

The 7 Basic Functions of Text Analytics & Text Mining

From Tokenization to PoS Tagging and beyond, this high-level overview explains the basic functions of text analytics...

How NLP-based VoC programs can help hospitality brands meet customer expectations during COVID-19
Customer Experience Management

How NLP-based VoC programs can help hospitality brands meet customer expectations during COVID-19

(originally posted on Customer Think) COVID-19 has had an extensive impact on the hospitality industry....

Text Analytics & NLP in Healthcare: Applications & Use Cases

Text Analytics & NLP in Healthcare: Applications & Use Cases

Healthcare databases are growing exponentially. Today, healthcare providers, drug makers and others are turning this...

Machine Learning (ML) for Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Paul Barba explains the role of machine learning and AI in natural language processing, how to apply machine learning...

AI In Financial Services: Three Current And Emerging Applications

AI In Financial Services: Three Current And Emerging Applications

While the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is a bit of a mixed bag in a number of industries, we’re seeing some...

Voice of the Employee Explained: VoE Programs & More
Voice of Employee

Voice of the Employee Explained: VoE Programs & More

People Analytics and Voice of Employee programs take a data-driven approach to improving productivity and reducing...

Build vs Buy: Text Analytics & NLP

Build vs Buy: Text Analytics & NLP

From customization to scalability, there's a lot to consider when deciding whether to build or buy an NLP or system. In...

Stories of AI Failure and How to Avoid Similar AI Fails
Artificial Intelligence

Stories of AI Failure and How to Avoid Similar AI Fails

Don’t fail prey to the AI hype machine. These stories of AI failure are alarming for consumers, embarrassing for the...