Emoji Speak Louder Than Words

Emoji Speak Louder Than Words
Social Media

Emoji Speak Louder Than Words

We've updated our lexicon to come into compliance with Emoji 11.0, the 2018 update from the Unicode Consortium. Our...

Agatha Christie, Nuns, and Alzheimer’s
Special Interest

Agatha Christie, Nuns, and Alzheimer’s

What do 678 nuns, Agatha Christie, and a grey cat have in common? In this article, our COO, Tim, explores how text...

Airport Series: Dallas/Fort Worth and The Dirty Secret

Airport Series: Dallas/Fort Worth and The Dirty Secret

In our fourth airport analysis, we turn to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in Texas. As the fourth busiest...

Airport Series: Chicago And Viral Reputation Management

Airport Series: Chicago And Viral Reputation Management

In this installment of the airport series, we turn to Chicago O'Hare. ORD is still feeling repercussions after a viral...

Airport Series: Charlotte and Customer Complaints

Airport Series: Charlotte and Customer Complaints

Charlotte blends Southern charm into the hustle and bustle of a major international airport. However, this balance...

Airport Series: Atlanta and Wayfinding

Airport Series: Atlanta and Wayfinding

Not only is Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport the busiest airport on earth, its "plane train" is the...

Artificial Turkey Intelligence – How Smart Are They?
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Turkey Intelligence – How Smart Are They?

How smart are turkeys? Smarter than you'd think. This Thanksgiving, let’s talk artificial intelligence, turkeys, and...

Analyzing Airport Reviews Using Natural Language Processing

Analyzing Airport Reviews Using Natural Language Processing

We used cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis software to analyze thousands of...

Artificial Intelligence Will Double Economic Growth: Here’s How
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Will Double Economic Growth: Here’s How

Many economists predict that artificial intelligence will drive huge economic growth. How will this occur? Let's...

The History of Modern Music in Sentiment
Special Interest

The History of Modern Music in Sentiment

We ran a sentiment analysis on a database of nearly 145,000 song lyrics ranging from the 1940s to early 2000s. Our AI...

Tough Mudder Conquers a Survey Analytics Obstacle

Tough Mudder Conquers a Survey Analytics Obstacle

Take a peak behind the scenes and see how Tough Mudder delivers the world's fiercest obstacle courses by responding to...

The Era of Magic Machines

The Era of Magic Machines

Lexalytics Magic Machine Labs is force-multiplying AI technologies. After over a year of careful experimentation, we're...